Shakespeare's words from Henry V resonate deeply with the camaraderie and loyalty found in team sports. “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother” Shakespeare, Henry V
Although not in a life or death battle, isn’t your team a band of brothers with a loyalty that is fully committed to stand by each other, shoulder to shoulder, even if it means that you may lose in doing so?
We play a game with a dozen or more players. We rely upon each other, knowing that our actions are only a building block to success or failure, nothing more. We all want to be heroes but have to accept that only happens to the well prepared who stay within their limits. Most other times we are adding to our team’s success and passing the mantle on to the next man up. Yet many of us feel the pressure and try to do more than we often can deliver. The result can be poor pitch choices, tightening up, swinging too hard or swinging at the first pitch, even if it's hittable but not driveable.
As a batter, remember your team and the man on deck. Maybe even look at the man on deck to get your mind right. Believe in them as you are not alone. Your primary objective is to get on base, drive it if you get the pitch. A walk is as good as a hit so take what is given and believe in your band of brothers.
As a brother, when the batter is up, give him encouragement not advice (hitting coaching is for practice or pregame). Say things like, “come on Billy, it’s just you and the ball”, “take one for the team”, “good swing you’re right on it”, “good eye or good take”, etc. Don’t start singing “Billy don’t be a hero, don’t be a fool with your life”. If he causes an out, say “that’s okay, we got your back”, “next time, you got this”, etc. Don’t leave him hanging to sulk.
This also goes for the play in the field too. We need to be there for each other. We all want the same thing, to win, but tend to play solo more than we should. Be loyal, supportive and each other’s wingman. I am not saying you should begin singing “Stand by your Man” for every pregame, but you get the idea. We are a band of brothers on the field and have a great opportunity to build some strong team character.