About Us
Scrap Iron softball teams were founded in 1992. Senior softball across the country was growing quickly and Scrap Iron sought out the best senior players in Colorado to compete in regional and national level tournaments. Scrap Iron teams have always been extremely competitive. A poem created by one of our founders, Kenny Green, describes what it is to be Scrap Iron.
When I was young,
With skin like rubber
I'd stretch and bend,
Quick to recover.
But, the years it seems,
have tarnished me
Like old Scrap Iron
I've come to be.

The History of Scrap Iron Softball
"You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing". Kenny Green
The Beginnings
Scrap Iron softball teams were founded by Murl Skalla and Kenny Green. The first Scrap Iron senior team played in 1992. Senior softball across the country was growing quickly and Murl and Kenny sought out the best senior players in Colorado to compete in regional and national level tournaments. Scrap Iron was always very competitive.

Murl Skala
Scrap Iron Founder

Kenny Green
Scrap Iron Founder
The Start of a Formal Club
As the years passed, many of Murl and Kenny’s friends and acquaintances formed other “Scrap Iron” teams. There were seven Scrap Iron teams in 2004, competing in tournaments across the country and it was time to create the Scrap Iron Softball Club. Led by Kenny Green, Phil Field, and Bob Wiltgen, the decision was made to incorporate Murl and Kenny’s beloved Scrap Iron into a true Club. The State of Colorado accepted the Scrap Iron Softball Club’s Articles of Incorporation on March 3, 2004. The new leadership group also had the foresight to pursue non-profit status through the Internal Revenue Service. The leaders established that Scrap Iron teams were competing in national and international level tournaments and the IRS granted the Scrap Iron Softball Club 501(c)3 tax exempt status.
Scrap Iron, 1992, Back row: Murl Skalla, Tom Mang, Jim Bowman, Austin Connolly, Bob Gryzmala, Tom Grubb, Chris Christopherson. Front row: Del Davidson, Kenny Green, Zach Bowman, Bill Nero, Wayne Peterson. Picture taken by team member Arlen Amundson

Phil Field
Club Founder

Bob Wiltgen
Club Founder
Special Events and Recognition
Formalizing the Club also established an awards program, Scrap Iron merchandise, and an annual banquet. Three categories or awards were established in 2004: annual team Most Valuable Player; a Hall of Fame for players, managers, and special accomplishments; and the Founder’s Award. The Hall of Fame has been expanded to include an Old Timer category to recognize the extended play of older members.
The first annual Scrap Iron Softball Club banquet was established for awards, recognition and as a fundraising event. The banquet is now attended by over 200 members. Members and guests have a great time reconnecting after season’s end to share stories and get reacquainted.

Jerry Reidy

Bob Gryzmala
Funding and Support
Scrap Iron Softball Club is funded from member dues, fundraising events, donations, and sponsorships. The club is led by volunteers, with no paid employees. Except for minimal administration costs, all funding received is allocated to the teams for specified uses, restricted by the Team and Player Policies, Section 4. Each team has one designated member on the board of directors for voting rights as directed by the By-Laws.
While members actively participate in fundraising events, community and business sponsorships are necessary to expand the Scrap Iron Softball Club. We endeavor to support individuals that are financially limited to fulfill their passion to play senior softball. We believe all seniors with the dream of playing competitive tournament softball should be given that opportunity. This will potentially increase the number of teams because of the increased pool of players. One of our strongest club desires is to have a place for any senior with the passion and dream to play national tournaments on a Scrap Iron team.
Scrap Iron By-Laws
The By-Laws describe the basic policy for the operation of the Scrap Iron Softball Club, a
non-profit corporation formed to provide an opportunity for senior softball players to
participate in local, national, and international softball leagues and tournaments. The complete set of By-Laws can be reviewed here
Scrap Iron Team and Player Policies
The Team and Player Policies explain the amount of member dues required for the year and how funds are distributed. The Board of Directors approve the policies at the beginning of every year. The Team and Player Policies are available for review here
Scrap Iron Code of Conduct
While representing the Scrap Iron Softball Club, I will conduct myself as a gentleman at
all times.
On the field of play, I will display the highest level of sportsmanship.
My actions on and off the field will never discredit the Scrap Iron Softball Club and its