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Updated: Oct 10, 2024

The Scrap Iron Softball Club has teams in every age division from 50 to 85.  Club member loyalty is amazing.  We must be doing some things right because players and teams find a way to stay involved. 

We need to give credit to the game itself.  Senior softball provides an avenue like no other senior sport.  I hear the same comment from many of you, “I feel so blessed and thankful I can still play the game I love at my age”.  The game is the foundation.  We make it great through our fellowship, competitive spirit, care and support, positivity, and determination on and off the field with our teammates and the teams we play. I encourage you with a resolution this year to do even more in fulfilling these important attributes.  Your team and fans are at your core and you should continue to work hard in making that connection.  Yet, we need to reach out more to the other teams and participants with our inclusiveness. 

Some ways to involve other teams is to complement their play, encourage their performance when they struggle, and be friendly.  For example, at the end of the game we file across the diamond and many say good game over and over.  It doesn’t matter if the game was 20-5, we say the same thing.  My belief is at the end of the game, we go to the center of the diamond as a group, like football teams.  We seek out some players, shake their hands or pump fist, and say something genuine and positive from our heart.  That is not easy when you lose but it would go a long way in making a difference and in raising everyone’s performance standards.  I encourage you to discuss this with your team and then let the other team know what you intend to do at the game’s end.

All the best to you this coming year.  My wish this year is for you to be injury free, play hard, have fun, and enjoy the game with others.  See you on the fields my friends.

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